Friday, October 7, 2011

Charleston Fashion Week 2012: Getting ready for next year!

Time to gear up for CFW 2012. This year we wanted to scale things back to feel more spare. Juxtapose harsh black and white runway shots with 2012 forecasted pastel colors from Pantone. With designer Gerald Andal, we created a color system with geometric shapes and colors. Each shape/color would be used for a different part of Fashion Week, ie: Rock the Runway Model Competition, Emerging Designer: East, etc....
The system would then translate to ads, posters, web buttons, e-newsletter, landing pages, you name it.

Recent Work: Feeling like Fall

Love this cover photo of the Lowcountry Marsh taken by Wilson Baker.

Frank Edwards shot these incredible shots on assignment in Moab, Utah.

The opener for our local music studio feature. Photos taken by Paul Zoeller.

Unbelievable house we shot on Pitt Street in Downtown Charleston. Full of unreal pieces by Warhol, Picasso, etc...All shot by Peter Frank Edwards

September cover photo by Peter Frank Edwards.