Friday, February 10, 2012

Charleston Magazine: March 2012, The Fashion Issue

March is finally out the door. It's a great issue to work on mainly because it's all fashion. We set up the entire 2-day fashion shoot in a small office of our building. It was cramped, but photographer Milton Morris did a wonderful job. Love his "still life" style of lighting, which is why I chose him for this assignment.
For the feature, our style editor wanted to play with pattern-on-pattern. Different bolts of material were paired up with outfits.
Here is our 2nd annual "Most Stylish" people in Charleston feature. People are chosen through online voting from our website. I wanted to do more action this year which photographer Frank Edwards did a great job with.
Mixing It Up, our feature that pairs well-known Charleston chefs and mixologists. I wanted it to be fun, and natural. The food had to look great, so I was able to get photographs by Andrew Cebulka to come on board. He has a natural knack with people for sure. I really wanted to convey the fun through the headline, and the editor and I thought it would be interesting to spell part of the hed out of cocktail and cooking tools.

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