Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Work: Charleston Magazine September 2010

Industrial Evolution: Photographs by Tim Hussey
This is the opener for the fashion feature running in this issue. I thought rivets would be a great type treatment. The entire page was put together in Photoshop.

See the flip book at

This feature is about Frank Abagnale, an imposter from years ago. He posed as a doctor, a teacher, and even an airline pilot. The film "Catch Me if You Can," starring Leo de Caprio and directed by Stephen Spielberg, is about him. Since he was also great at forgery and had the FBI after him for years he became a specialist working with them after he was finally caught. Now he's is a forgery specialist which is why I designed the page to look like an official document with engraving filigree on official paper. You can read more about Frank at

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