Thursday, September 30, 2010

Some Illustration Work

Occasionally I am able to get one of my illustrations in print. Usually time doesn't allow, so I work with a lot of talented illustrators from around the world. Here are some of my random pieces. Most hang in my house.

I had been trying to find a piece of art for a long wall in my living room. Never found anything I liked so I painted this retro surfing montage. 7' X 5.5'. Acrylics.

Found a cute photo in a Life magazine years ago. I loved it so much that I illustrated it. 4.5' X 3.5'. Water color and pencil.

An illustration as an ode to my favorite beach: Folly.
Insets are my brother, myself, and my sister playing at Folly beach. Detail of my brother below. About 4' X 3'. Pencil

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